Saturday, February 22, 2014

Staying In Touch

If you decide to camp or enjoy the outdoors for any length of time, and you HAVE to have your phone, tablet, or any other electronic devices, one of the biggest problems you will face is keeping your devices charged.

For a long time I thought the best was way to keep your stuff charged was to buy a car charger if you were going to be close to a vehicle, or a stand alone battery powered charger. Recently though, I have come across a few other ways to stay charged up.

One way is a solar charger. I have never used one, but have heard good things about them from people that have. These are easy to use because you can set them up, and then leave them in the sunlight for a few hours. The only problem with a solar charger is the fact that you will be without power if it's overcast, raining, or you are in a location without sufficient sunlight, like a canyon or the jungle/woods. These come in many different varieties, sizes, and features. One of the more popular products is the Goal Zero line of products. These are available in several different sizes and come in different styles as well. They are available at Cabelas, Bass Pro, Gander Mountain, and if you want to, directions on the internet are easy to find that will show you how to make your own.

Another more flexible option might be The Power Pot. I haven't used this either but after looking at it, it seems like a great idea. The premise of the Power Pot is that you replace the cup or pot that you usually boil water or cook food in with The Power Pot. As you are cooking or boiling, the Power Pot heats up and is turned into electricity. This essentially allows you to kill two birds with one stone. It seems like a great idea, the only problem is the price tag, which is also the main drawback for solar panels (unless you make your own).  Neither option is really cheap, which means that you will either really have to be dependent on technology, or have quite a bit of spare change lying around.

So let me know, do you ever just have to have your technology while outside? Is the cost worth it to you? Also if you have ever used either one of these options, how did it go? Is there another product that you recommend?

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