Thursday, February 6, 2014

Why do we love the outdoors?

Why do we love the outdoors? What do we love about the outdoors? Is it because it's different? Do we like "being one with nature"? Is it something hard-wired in us from our ancestors living off the wild? I think its a combination of the above.

Personally, I love the outdoors because being outside, experiencing things at a primal level is just so different from everyday life. I love, pardon the cliche, "getting away from it all". When I am camping, fishing, hunting, or doing anything else "Off The Map" from everyday life, I am able to take a step back and notice the smaller things in life. You never notice the color of a sunset, a crisp north wind, or those two squirrels chasing each other up and down a tree when you are driving down the highway at 70 miles per hour, or walking in to Starbucks while talking on the phone.

I love the outdoors because it allows me to spend quality time with friends and family, without being distracted by 739 new tweets I missed, or the latest viral video. There's something relaxing about being off "the grid" having no electricity and you have no cell phone reception or other technological stimuli. It feels like a weight has been lifted off your shoulders when you realize you don't HAVE to be attached to your phone, tablet or laptop at all times. Try backcountry camping at Big Bend sometime and you will know what it truly means to be "off the grid" or "off the map".

I also think there is also a sense of nostalgia that appeals to a person when they are living like their ancestors did. Living without modern comforts, fishing or hunting for dinner, walking from place to place, people don't often do that anymore.

The views aren't too bad either -

Why do you love the outdoors? What appeals the most to you? Let me know below in the comments section.

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